Sunday, September 16, 2018

More Rain, More Music, More Volume

Been fortunate here at the Crazy House to have missed the majority of the destruction of Hurricane Florence.  We're in a holding pattern of rain and constant Flash Flood Warnings, but we've had little or no wind as was expected with the storm.  Also, don't tell IHFC building owners that, they'll call you a liar considering how much facade of their building was in the road this morning.  

Monday it was all "We gone die!" and by Wednesday it was "It gone rain."  I understand there have been deaths here in NC and in SC already from the flooding and I feel fortunate to have been spared this time around.  Power did go out here today three times in about a one minute span, not even long enough to reset the clock on the microwave.  So that and rain are the extent until there's a mudslide behind the apartment tomorrow or trees start uprooting.  Oh well.  Life in the city, right?

I witnessed the transplants living here go into full panic buying mode on Monday, making bottled water rare as hen's teeth around town.  People were buying 4, 5, 6 cases of water at a time, I'm thinking these people must bathe in it or something, right?  The transplants also couldn't get the sarcasm in the eyes of the "natives" when we'd see them loading hoarded supplies into their Subarus and SUVs.  Same with gasoline.  Stations were running out and people were panicking over gas.  It's not like they won't have more tomorrow.  Where you going tonight, New Jersey?

Karen and I went to see Judas Priest and Deep Purple on Tuesday of this week, despite the imminent death hurricane barreling in on us.  Traffic was murder on I-85 and dammit it was CLOSED completely coming into China Grove.  All cars exit.  We didn't miss any of Priest, Rob screamed that hurricane into a puddle of salty tears as they tore down the house with a wonderful cross-section of their career as a band displayed in their songlist choices.  Judas Priest was the loudest I recall hearing them, but we were on the 11th row, close enough to see them sweat. 

Deep Purple hit the stage with Highway Star, a medley I didn't recognize and a handful of "new" originals, to which I eventually joined Karen sitting.  We left shortly after only to discover how great Purple sounded in the parking lot, so much better than down front.  I was exhausted, so happy to be able to exit straight onto the interstate after one exit and make it home with no delays or road closures.  Small favors I suppose.

Well, Here We Are!

Well, Here We Are!  Still in a pandemic panic, media driven, Democrat-approved, still arguing the November election.  All of that "new ...