Sunday, September 11, 2016

When You Thought You'd Seen It All

Rest assured you'll either see something unexpected or something you've seen before.  What other choices are there?

Our band released our political opus on SoundCloud yesterday, our take on politics in 2016, "Electile Dysfunction".  Here's the link to the RoxX tune:


Lyrics and credits are contained on the link above ya'll.

So tell me, how does it feel to be described as a "basketful of deplorables"?  I rather like it.  Has an old school feel to it.  The only name I like better is "deadbeats and ne'er-do-wells", but who's to complain?


Grand-daughter Imogen breaking hearts.

Short but sweet, thanks to the baby pic!  Take care kids, act like ya'll got some sense, aiight?

Well, Here We Are!

Well, Here We Are!  Still in a pandemic panic, media driven, Democrat-approved, still arguing the November election.  All of that "new ...