Monday, September 7, 2020

The New Abnormal

It's September and North Carolina is still pretty much locked down under Governor Alice Cooper.  Local governments, like Guilford County, reports things are slowing down, no new deaths, but Cooper, an all-encompassing genius, refuses to believe it.

He continues to punish the taxpayers by refusing to allow them to conduct the business they use to feed their families and refuses to explain the flaws in the logic of his expertise.  I'm still wondering how we defeat a virus smart enough to know not to attack persons in a brewery, yet fully weaponize against anyone in an actual bar.  How do we fight an enemy that sets arbitrary times for attacks?  Gov. Cooper is certain that at 11pm the Covid kicks in it's deadly anger and searches out new victims in area bars.  I suppose it's comforting to know that we're pretty much safe up until 10:59pm.

The media is still doing it's part to demonize the President of the United States and to cover the fact the Dems are pumping poor Joe Biden full of something through IVs so he can continue to "campaign".  When Trump suggested drug tests before the debates, this is exactly what he was taking a swipe at.  The recent photographic evidence alone of Biden's hands marked with scars continues to make me believe he is being abused.  Yes.  Elder abuse.  He's certainly beginning to look like what I believe he will be if elected, a puppet.  I said it.  Don't @ me.

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Well, Here We Are!

Well, Here We Are!  Still in a pandemic panic, media driven, Democrat-approved, still arguing the November election.  All of that "new ...