I seem to recall in 2008, a day or so after Barack Obama was first elected, responding to a reporter's question with "I won." I recall Valeri Jarrett's threats that they were "watching" their opposition and would "deal with them" after the 2012 elections. I also recall being labeled a "tea-bagger", a "standard redneck", a "deplorable" and other things to numerous to list here. You realize that both "standard redneck" and "deplorable" both came out of the mouth of Hillary Rodham Clinton and the term "tea-bagger" was first coined as a nick-name for conservative Tea Party members by CNN's own homosexual anchor-person Anderson Cooper, who fully realized the implications when he used the slur.
So today, something closer to the values I believe in is coming into power and after 8 years of abuse, I need to be kinder and gentler to those who believe differently than I do? Yeah, I need to bite my tongue and NOT inflict a little pain to the same folk that have tried to torment me with threats of "racism" and whatever the catchphrase of the week was at the time. I need to remember that in most cases, I don't really know the persons who belittled me in the past, and I don't know the pain they've been through or are currently going through.
Sorry, that's not how I roll.
Do unto others as you want them to do unto you. So simple. So true. So foreign to youth today. Wonder why?
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