Who is the man that would risk his neck for his brother, man? (Shaft)
Can ya dig it?
Can ya dig it?
Who's the cat that won't cop out when there's danger all about? (Shaft)
Right on
Right on
You see this cat Shaft is a bad mother (Shut your mouth)
But I'm talkin' about Shaft (Then we can dig it)
He's a complicated man but no one understands him but his woman (John Shaft)
Well, we're still alive, we're still kicking and we're speaking from a different place as of late. A place without a constant barrage of information, photographs, profile updates and such involved in running three shows a month. I'm feeling refreshed, excited about Battlecade XX. I'm also having difficulty turning back on the "wrestling promotion" mode, something I can't recall happening in the past.
It appears I was correct on the whole burn-out deal and have a new wind behind me now. I'm already contemplating the next #RoxX sessions in January, we'll be shooting new music videos for remixes of originals Unwavering Light and I Walk Alone. We'll see where CWF's future leads me, as I'm not ready yet to contemplate returning with another company (thank you for the invite!), so I'm thinking I'll be spending a lot more quality time with my cat, the Pip Rocket until the itch returns, then we'll see. Maybe I'll drop in somewhere as a manager, that's something I did WAAAAAY way back. At a Rider's show at that. Do you smell hair burning?